Money with Music Videos

Brand Sponsorships in Music Videos

In the 2011 peer-reviewed article, Sexual Objectification
in Music Videos: A Content Analysis Comparing Gender and Genre, Mass Communication and Society by Jennifer Stevens Aubrey & Cynthia M. Frisby, they discuss how women were more likely to be sexually objectified in music videos when compared to male counterparts. They describe how viewers of music videos commonly idolize or associate themselves with the artists performing in the videos. When they view the artist objectifying themselves or other women in the video, the viewers might be more likely to accept/participate in such behavior. Furthermore, the genre of music video is likely to correlate with the anti-social content that is seen in it. For example, a wonderful christian music video is not very likely to have strippers dancing on the hoods of cars while a rapper spits out verses in front of the camera. Conversely, something like that might be seen in a hip-hop video. But with music videos, it’s not a zero sum game,

“Perhaps a middle ground is pop music. Although previous research has suggested that pop music is rife with sexual stereotypes,
it is less likely to have other antisocial themes, such as violence and drug
use (Hansen & Hansen, 2000)”

What we can gleam from scholar research papers like that of Jennifer Stevens Aubrey & Cynthia M. Frisby (2011) is that while there are many dark alleys that must be navigated when creating a music video (especially with more commonly edgy music video genres like in rap) there are still many opportunities to create money through their creation. One of the most industry common ways to do this, is through brand sponsorships in music videos. Let’s look at some examples down below.

SOURCE: Jennifer Stevens Aubrey & Cynthia M. Frisby (2011) Sexual Objectification
in Music Videos: A Content Analysis Comparing Gender and Genre, Mass Communication and
Society, 14:4, 475-501, DOI: 10.1080/15205436.2010.513468

When I think about business sponsorships in music videos, nothing comes to my mind quicker than BHAD BHABIE’s 2019 song “Bestie.” In the song, BHAD BHABIE stops the song halfway through upon the cue of a voice overhead saying “Hey! Don’t forget your product placement!” At least in American pop culture, music video’s are now synonymous with brand advertisements in some ways, in such a way that emerging artists like BHAD BHABIE unabashedly point out that ubiquitous, while still selling out to the system of sponsorships and deals that has continually grown in breadth.

BHAD BHABIE’s 2019 Music Video “Bestie”

Let’s start out with the basics, what are the legal limits to advertising in music videos? When a music video features a brand that paid to either mention it or visually show it in some way, that is “often hailed as creative marketing, these placements are considered “embedded advertising” by law, subject to almost the same (if not more) stringent rules than typical advertising.” as contributor Jessica Meiselman wrote in an article for music website Pitchfork. When a music video features the text ‘ad’ or ‘sponsorship’ somewhere in the description, that is not just because the producer was wanting to show what might have been otherwise obvious! Music videos are legally required to ensure that viewers have the opportunity to legibly read that the video has features product or services which a brand paid for the exposure. So, if we are to produce a music video and now know we are legally obligated to announce that there is a brand sponsorship, how do we find the brand(s) to partner with?

When it comes to brand sponsorships. Nothing is more common in my opinion than Beats headphones and audio speakers in music videos. For example, music videos will commonly have the singers to wear the headphones at some point in the video- which makes sense! Cause headphones and music more or less go hand in hand.

Ultimately, the sponsorships from sponsorships in music videos allow creators more financial freedom in the content they create and the projects they take on, while also providing exposure and to interested businesses and potential consumers- a win for everyone!

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